Simplifying Automation: Taming Boilerplate Code / Blogs / Perficient

We’ve seen that there’s a challenge for every automation hero: boilerplate code. These are those repeated, dull lines of code that keep multiplying as projects grow. No worries, though; mastering how to handle this can make you an automation hero. In this blog, let’s dive into the world of boilerplate code, understand its challenges, and find ways to deal with it.


Boilerplate code, sometimes known as “scaffolding” or “template code,” is a collection of prewritten, standardized code that serves as the basis for different software components. It provides developers with a structured framework that can be tailored to implement certain functionality, acting as a jumping off point.

Boilerplate code, also known as the necessary evil, is like the sidekick that’s always there. It’s those repeated parts in software projects that make scripts long, less readable, and a bit of a puzzle. A thing that you see every time – not very exciting.

The Problems with Boilerplate Code

Reading and Understanding

Too much repetitive code makes scripts confusing. When you come back to your code after a break, understanding why you wrote certain things can feel like solving a mystery.

Doing the Same Work Again

Imagine writing the same things over and over again. It’s like copying your friend’s homework for every subject – a lot of work and not very fun.

Getting Too Big

As your project gets bigger, handling all that repetitive code becomes a real challenge. It’s like having a backpack that keeps getting heavier – not great for moving fast.

Beating Repetitive Code: A Guide

  1. Leveraging Design Patterns
    Design patterns serve as architectural templates for solving recurring design problems. Incorporate patterns like Singleton, Factory, or Template Method to optimize your code structure. By adopting these proven approaches, you eliminate redundancy and create a more intelligent and streamlined codebase.
  2. Custom Libraries and Frameworks
    Developing custom libraries or frameworks tailored to your project’s needs is analogous to building a toolbox with specialized tools. Abstract common operations, configurations, and error handling into these libraries. This encapsulation allows your main code to remain focused and uncluttered.
  3. Code Generation Tools
    Code generation tools automate the creation of repetitive code segments based on predefined templates. Tools like Yeoman or Hygen can significantly reduce manual effort and ensure consistency across your codebase. This approach enhances efficiency and minimizes the risk of errors in repetitive tasks.
  4. Regular Refactoring for Maintenance
    Routine code check-ups and refactoring are akin to preventive maintenance for machinery. Adhere to the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle by consolidating repetitive code segments. This effort pays off with a more maintainable and error-resistant codebase over time.
  5. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
    Foster a collaborative environment within your development team. Encourage knowledge sharing and collective problem-solving. By leveraging the diverse expertise within your team, discover efficient approaches to handle repetitive code and enhance overall code quality.

Bonus Tips for Efficient Code Management

  1. Documentation for Clarity
    Documenting your code is akin to creating a map for future reference. Clearly articulate the purpose and usage of each code segment. This practice not only aids individual understanding but also facilitates seamless collaboration within the team.
  2. Version Control and Templates
    Utilize version control systems to manage code templates. This ensures consistency across projects and simplifies the process of integrating boilerplate code into new scripts. A well-organized template collection enhances code development efficiency.
  3. Testing and Validation
    Implement robust testing practices for your code, especially repetitive segments. Ensure that any modifications or additions to these segments undergo thorough testing to maintain script integrity.
  4. IDE and Editor Customization
    Explore customization options in your integrated development environment (IDE) or code editor. Create shortcuts and templates to expedite the insertion of repetitive code segments, improving overall coding efficiency.
  5. Code Review and Continuous Improvement
    Conduct regular code reviews within your team. Identify areas for improvement and collaboratively enhance your codebase. This iterative process ensures continuous improvement and the evolution of coding practices.

Conclusion: Crafting an Efficient Code Ecosystem

In the dynamic landscape of software automation, mastering the art of handling repetitive code is foundational to achieving efficiency and maintainability. By employing strategies such as modularization, design patterns, custom libraries, and continuous learning, automation engineers can navigate the complexities of code management with finesse. The goal is to create a code ecosystem that not only works flawlessly but also evolves with the ever-changing demands of software development. Happy coding!

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