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Google: We Treat Hashtags As Words In Content

Google Hashtag

Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter, “when it comes to web pages in Google Search, hashtags are just words, they have no special meaning or effect.” So if you are big into #hashtagging everything, Google will consume it as just content on the page.

Here are those tweets:

Previously, Google’s John Mueller said it was okay to use hashtags in meta descriptions. As I wrote then, I don’t think it matters if you use hashtags in meta descriptions or not. I mean, it might be more eye-catching if Google uses your meta description for the search result snippet – but maybe Google is less likely to use it because it has a hashtag. I don’t know. It is something one can test out over time…

The confusion with hashtags and Google probably comes when it comes to using them in URLs or links. Google tends to ignore any part of what comes after the hashtag in the URL. Those hashtags or pound signs are generally used to anchor someone down to a specific part of a page. So Google sees a as the same as

It is about using them in the URL, which we covered before.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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