Build targeted keyword datasets with Search Term Discovery

You already know that identifying and researching relevant keywords that can drive targeted traffic to your website is a fundamental part of your SEO strategy. And no doubt you already have a comprehensive list of terms you wish to track.

But, how can you expand on these? Are you able to identify terms you’re positioning for that you might not be aware of? Or perhaps you’re overwhelmed with too many irrelevant keywords lacking in value? Do you know what terms your competitors are performing for? And are you tracking these?

Being able to do all of this (usually a very arduous task for SEOs) is exactly why we built our very own Search Term Discovery tool.

Tracking data specific to your objectives is key

Our Search Term Discovery tool not only provides efficiency but also offers more control over your keyword research.

With the ability to combine multiple filters to your queries to refine results, it’s now even quicker to uncover relevant and valuable terms to add to your dataset.

  • Build a list of search terms from a specific area of a website using a URL path
  • Uncover search terms that return for a particular SERP feature, such as Top Stories or Videos
  • Use the ‘include’ functionality to gather more terms around an area of interest
  • Use the ‘exclude’ filter to avoid certain terms or language in your dataset
  • Save your query as an Insight to quickly reuse at a later **** without having to remember filter combinations
  • Easily exclude similar terms so you don’t waste time filtering through duplicates and typos

Rival your competitors with targeted keyword data

Using the ‘Base URL’ functionality adds precision to your keyword research.

Entering URL paths from your website can help you conduct a very efficient gap analysis on search terms to add to your dataset. You can also take it one step further and analyze the search terms your competitors perform for too.

Identify market leaders in your space (also a very simple task when using Pi) and use URL paths from their sites to uncover and track search terms they perform for – adding valuable and targeted terms to your dataset.

Explore and sort thousands of relevant search terms with ease

Using the ‘Seed terms’ functionality means expanding your dataset with additional terms is even easier. Using this alongside ‘Search term includes’ means our database will return a wider field of terms in one manageable place without the arduous task of running multiple queries.

And with additional filters, you now have more control when it comes to sorting through thousands of search terms to build out your dataset.

Once you’ve added the right combination of filters and terms to your query – save it as an Insight to return to at a later **** and save yourself the additional leg work.

Not only will you save yourself time, but it’s also a great way to keep on top of trending terms – simply re-run the analysis every week or month to ensure you’re still tracking the most important terms for your campaign objectives.

When asked what they liked best about Pi’s Search Intelligence Platform, customers stated:

“I’m able to see which keywords I should be focusing on depending on what the SERP landscape is showing, as well as using the Search Term Discovery tool to help find what language people are using when searching.”

Interested to see how you could benefit from using Pi’s Search Term Discovery tool? Book your demo!

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